Part 1 (afternoon)

Part 1


Complete or review the process map.


1 to 1.5 hours

Part 2


Record the activity electronically.


2 hours

Part 3


Comments and review by corporate colleagues


1 hour

Part 1: Complete or review the process map

Coming back refreshed after lunch is a chance to finish the process mapping or review what you have done to spot areas of improvement. It can be a bit overwhelming taking a look at the whole business process and figuring out what questions to ask, what bottlenecks there might be, and strategies to overcome them. The table at the end of this stage will give you an idea of some important questions you might want to ask yourself, e.g. potential bottlenecks and strategies to overcome them. Remember, you all know your processes best - these questions are just here to get you started.

Part 2: Record the activity digitally

Whilst the majority of the group can have a break from process mapping the core team needs to record the activity electronically.  We have provided a template to be able to do this on excel (see stage 9) – as you record the activity you can make sure it is in the right order and have consensus on terminology…more often than expected teams are using different language for the same thing which can create confusion.

It works well when you have 1 or 2 people reading out the activity from the post-it notes, 1 person recording it and the rest supporting with language and ordering.  This is a real team effort…and you’ll need a break at the end of it!

If you have time (ha, ha) you can make a start on the RACI analysis (included in the mapping template in stage 9) . Producing a RACI is useful as outlines the different roles next to the activity. 

RACI stands for:

  • Responsible: The person or group who is responsible for completing the task or activity.

  • Accountable:
    The person or group who is ultimately accountable for the successful completion of the task or activity.

  • Consulted:
    The person or group who should be consulted during the decision-making process.

  • Informed:
    The person or group who should be kept informed of the progress or outcome of the task or activity.

As a tip on producing the RACI, there should only be one responsible person and agree on the job titles at the start... here is a starter for 10:            

  • Procurement administrator  
  • Procurement officer  
  • Procurement manager
  • Procurement business partner
  • Head of procurement
  • Service Director
  • Corporate Director
  • Contract manager  
  • Service lead
  • Commisioner
  • Cabinet member
  • Portfolio holder
  • Chief Executive
  • Leader
  • Legal services
  • Governance
  • Finance
  • Bidder, who then become the supplier or providers

Here’s a snippet of what a small part of your RACI matrix might look like:

Process activity
Pipeline of procurement projects reviewed
Service Lead
Head of Service
Head of Service
Head of Service
Identify the Project Team
Procurement Officer
Procurement Business Partner
Legal, Service Lead
Head of Procurement
Options on Procurement Route
Procurement Officer
Procurement Business Partner
Service Lead
Head of Procurement
Open a file for procurement with unique code
Procurement Officer
Procurement Business Partner
Service Lead
Head of Procurement,

Head of Service

Part 3: Comments and review by corporate colleagues  

Whilst it will be brilliant to have corporate colleagues involved in the process mapping, you might be lucky to get them due to their other demands.

If you can squeeze in an hour with them to review the process map this could provide useful feedback.   If finance, legal or governance have been identified as causing a bottleneck raise it with them and look at solutions that meet their requirements whilst streamlining the process – they might not have known they were causing a problem.  Also, they could use their knowledge and experience to suggest improvements.  

You would really want them on site to walk through the process map – it can work on-line but not so well.  

Questions to ask  

When reviewing your process map here are some key questions and bottlenecks to look out for:  

Important questions to consider
Potential bottlenecks
Potential strategies to overcome bottlenecks
What are the specific tasks and responsibilities involved in this process?
Tasks that are unnecessarily complex or duplicative.
Streamline tasks by combining or eliminating unnecessary steps.
Who is responsible for each task?
Tasks that are not clearly assigned, leading to confusion and delays.
Assign ownership of tasks to specific individuals or teams.
How long does each task take to complete?
Tasks that take longer than necessary due to a lack of efficient processes or poor quality checks.
Implement quality checks earlier in the process.
What are the inputs and outputs for each task?
Lack of clarity about what is required for each task, leading to errors and rework.
Seek feedback from staff.
Are there any dependencies between tasks?
Tasks that are slowed down due to dependencies on other tasks that are not being completed in a timely manner.
Document the process and train staff on efficient ways to complete tasks.
Are there any handoffs between individuals or teams?
Handoffs between individuals or teams can lead to delays and a lack of accountability.
Reduce handoffs between individuals or teams.
Are there any bottlenecks or delays in the process?
Bottlenecks at certain points in the process.
Automate tasks using technology.
What are the quality checks in place to ensure accuracy and completeness?
Quality checks that are inadequate or placed too late in the process, leading to errors and rework.
Ensure checks are at the right stage.
Are there any opportunities for automation or digitalisation?
Manual processes that are time-consuming and prone to errors.
Potential to use RPA or other technology.
What is the current level of bidder satisfaction with this process?
Processes that do not meet customer needs or expectations.
Seek feedback from bidders and staff.

You’re done for Day 1. Get some rest, and we’ll be back for Day 2!


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Local Partnerships